Excellence in Education

Colégio Santiago Internacional, Tavira - Portugal

Welcome to our school

Colégio Santiago Internacional

Here you can find everything you need to know about our school and activities. Learn more about what we do and especially what we can do for you. This website will help you get to know us better, please contact us at any time for more information.

Our Vision

We will differentiate and personalize our delivery of the curriculum to encourage and empower our students to reach their full potential and contribute as global citizens.

Our Mission

By achieving a balance between academic, social, cultural and physical activities, our purpose is to create a stimulating and active learning environment within which all members of our community can achieve their full potential. We aim to foster our students’ intellectual curiosity which will last throughout their lives.

Excellence in education

in education

We aim to foster our students’ intellectual curiosity which will last throughout their lives.

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Life @ CSi

Life @ CSi

Our purpose is to create a stimulating and active learning environment within which all members of our community can achieve their full potential.

Find out how

Parents' Testimonials


CSI has a dedicated staff, an engaged management and that the atmosphere at the premises is more than warm and protective. Pupils learn to respect one another, and their teachers, which is so important for the rest of their lives. We support the norms CSI stands for, and I encourage you all to maintain this standard. Pieter Kleve
We wanted to thank all the team for its excellent work with our daughters, especially some new people such as Mrs Renata, Ms Neuza and Mr Pedro. Mrs Renata is always prompt to respond to questions and to solve any problem, always in a gentle way,
Ms Neuza is a very good teacher in sociology, Circé is passionate even if sometimes the concept is not easy to handle, and the perfect mentor for Thémis, always finding a way to interact with the youngest and dry the tears with a joke or a nice thought.
Mr Pedro way’s of teaching is incredible, Thémis and Circé are really more concern by art, they draw with a new sense of art and amazing technics.
We are glad that our daughters are in such good hands and spirits.
Have a nice day. Alexandra & Arnaud
CSi has a very positive atmosphere. When you walk through the door, you can feel the children’s happiness and confidence. TEAMWORK is of prime importance. We all work well together solving problems and creating solutions. Our teachers are skilled, caring, and supportive. Teachers work tremendously hard to meet the needs and foster the potential of each and every child. Come and visit us to feel the lovely atmosphere and to see how our school is growing ! :) Sophie Gomes
I completed my A-levels at CSI in 2014 and greatly enjoyed my time there. Being a small, growing school came with its quirks, and the difficulty of A-levels compared to GCSEs shocked me as it does most people, but at all times everyone at CSI was very accommodating and provided me with the resources I needed for my education.

The Edexcel certificates I obtained were easily transferable to any university around the world and I even obtained a significant amount of college credit for them, placing me ahead of most other first years. Going into college I felt fully prepared for all my classes and I will soon be graduating with a B.S. in Electrical Engineering from California State University, Long Beach. Jaap de Dood
CSI is the best I as a student feel safe and happy I get lots of support in every subject I like working in the science lab doing lots of experiments thanks to my PE teacher and jiu-jitsu teachers I am fitter and know lots of self defence. I would really recommend this school to family and friends. Samuel Morgan
I would like to share my experience about this fantastic school. CSi has been outstanding, the staff is great and facilities are constantly improving. I would recommend a visit to this school to feel the great energy within the building and between the pupils. Well done. Pedro Silva
To all the staff at CSI:
Congratulations on a good start of the school year!! Everything have been very organized, the information for us, the parents has been clear. I especially liked the information flyer that was handed out on the first day. This and the first CSI news PDF was very professional and had all the info that we needed
Also after school activities was quickly organized.
So thanks for all the hard work and good job to you all!
Looking forward to the BBQ party
Best regards Anja and Per Anja and Per Sorensen
Colégio Santiago Internacional is more than a school, we are a family.
We believe that every one of our students is unique and that is what makes us special.
We will always stand by the students side and we are preparing them not only to excel in their academic life but also empower them so they can reach their full potencial and be able to contribute as world citizens.
Teachers, staff, students and parents all together; we are stronger and nothing will bring us down. Renata Rafael
Worked at the school for a number of weeks as classroom and activity assistant. What can I say, a fantastic environment to work in due to the professional staff and great students. The whole school feels like a big family, with everyone looking after eachother in a supporting manner. Thank you to all, for making my experience at CSI great. Hope to be back next year. Tikhon Alexeev

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