What makes this school special?

From our students point of view

What makes this school special?

Years 1/2

“Because we can do Maths and write to 100.”, Miguel

“Because you learn things, you can colour and because the little ones can read books.”Tiago

“Because we can work, we can play and be with our friends.” Myra

Years 5/6:

“I like the school and I make a lot of friends.”, Matilde

“I like the school because people are nice to me and they are good teachers.”Deaglan
“CSi is special because people respect each other.”Shaquille

Years 7/8:

“This school is special because the teachers actually care about us and if we are learning.”Theana
“This school is special because we have contact with lots of other nationalities.”Jacob M
“This school is special because we have good friends and the teachers help you if you have a problem.”Francisco

Year 9:

“Our school is special because we are the baguette family.”Frederico
“What makes the school special is that we are all friends.”Pilar
“The thing that makes the school special is all the people in it!”Maddison

Years 10-13:

“I like this school because the students all get along and the teachers are here to help us”Manon
“The students are all from different nationalities but we know one another very well”Julia