

Uniform is compulsory at Colégio Santiago Internacional, this represents acceptance to belonging to the school community which implies an attitude of respect and ethics within the CSi principles.
The uniforms are exclusive of CSi and students can not attend school without using the correct uniform, respecting the use of uniform policy, exception made on school holidays where the sports uniform can be used.

The uniform consists of:


  • Dark blue skirt, dark blue trousers or dark blue skort;
  • White polo with CSi logo;
  • Dark blue pullover with CSilogo;
  • Shoes (black or dark blue).


  • Dark Blue trousers or dark blue shorts;
  • White polo with CSi logo;
  • Dark blue pullover with CSi logo;
  • Shoes (black or dark blue). Boots are not allowed with the uniform

For Sports:

  • White t-shirt with CSi logo;
  • Dark blue shorts;
  • Dark blue tracksuit with CSi logo.

In the use of uniform and for health and safety reasons, it is not allowed the use of earrings or any other piece of jewellery except a watch, bracelets or necklaces of any kind are also not allowed.
The use of makeup or nail varnish is not allowed and long hair must be tight all the times. Unnatural hair colour is not permitted for boys and girls.
The use of hoodies is strictly forbidden.

CONSEQUENCES for students with NO Uniform or incorrect use of uniform:

  • First offence – A Note will be sent to parents indicating the child is out of uniform;
  • Second Offense – A parent will be called to bring a change of clothing (Primary until Year 6);
  • Second Offense – Pupils will be sent home to change (Secondary – Year 7 upwards).

The uniforms are ordered, by parents, directly to the supplier.

All items of uniform must be properly labeled with the student's name, and it is the responsibility of the parents to label school uniform items for their child. CSi is not responsible for uniform that is not identified and left unintended.

When there are field trips, CSi students represent the school community and should wear their uniform accordingly and behave according to CSi principles.

The uniforms can be ordered in the following address: 
